10 Great Outdoor Activities to Enjoy This Spring
Spring is almost here. Are you ready to enjoy some great outdoor activities that will make your spring season much more fun?
Although we aren’t bears, many people feel like they’re hibernating in the winter. Other than leaving home to go to work, some get cozy and don’t leave their homes once the winter holidays have passed. Thankfully, spring is nearly here, and it’s time to get outside and enjoy the new life, the new warmth, and the wonderful sunshine that comes with this renewed season.
With that in mind, here are ten great outdoor activities for your spring pleasure.
Get wet and dirty with the kids
Although spring is a renewal of life, it’s also a time when the most rain tends to fall. Don’t let your kids feel glum and like winter has returned. A little rain never hurt anyone. Get outside and show them how much fun it can be to splash around in the puddles, play in the mid, and enjoy the wet and dirty part of spring. This can be a fantastic activity that will help your kids enjoy the rainy days of spring.
Enjoy a picnic lunch in your yard
Many people think that a picnic requires going to a park or a change of scenery. That’s not always the case. You can enjoy one of the best outdoor activities this spring right in your own yard. Take the kids outside to enjoy their lunch on the patio or spread a blanket on the ground to give them the experience of a wonderful picnic lunch on the ground. Your kids will love it, and you’ve got all the conveniences of your own home right where you need them.
It’s time to put that garden in the soil
One of the most relaxing things you can do when the weather warms, and things get nicer outside is to plant a garden. You can begin a garden of fruits and vegetables or plant lots of flowers that will be colorful and full of life for your spring project. This is one of the most rewarding and therapeutic things you can do for yourself. Get outside and put that garden in the ground.
Now is a great time to go fishing
As spring arrives, fish begin to be much more active and ready to bite onto your line. These fish spent the winter at the bottom of the lake, and now they’re hungry. Plan a great fishing adventure with your family and friends. This is easily one of the best outdoor activities you can do this spring, and it will be something you will remember for years. Of course, if you plan a trip to get away for some fishing, your spring break time might be the best time to enjoy your fishing trip.
Plant flowers and hummingbird feeders
Hummingbirds are some of the coolest birds to see and enjoy. It’s pretty easy to attract them to your yard. All you need to do is plant some of their favorite flowers and hang a couple of feeders up, and you’ll see them arrive in flocks. Put the feeders in low-activity areas near the flower you’ve planted and watch these birds come to visit. Watching these cool little birds is one of the most enjoyable activities of spring.
Let your kids play with some sidewalk chalk
Whether you do it on the driveway or on an actual sidewalk, one of the most fun outdoor activities for kids in the spring is to play and draw with sidewalk chalk. They can draw an outline of your body and color it in with silly faces and poses. You could show your kids how to play hopscotch, or you might enjoy making a racing track out of chalk and then racing some Hot Wheels cars on the track. Let your imagination go wild with this one.
Clean up your bicycle and go on a ride
When was the last time you took a bike ride? If you’ve got a bicycle in storage that hasn’t been used since the fall, it’s time to break it out and take it for a ride. You’ll love going up and down the street, heading to a local bike trail, or riding in the woods. Riding a bike in the spring can make you feel like a kid again, and it’s one of the most fun things you can do when the weather is a bit nicer outside.
Take the family to the zoo
Animals begin to get active during the spring, which makes it more fun to visit the zoo at this time of year than when it’s cold in winter or blistering hot in the summer. Spring is a time of renewal, and for some animals, that means young cubs and pups that are often born at the zoo. Take your family and let them enjoy one of the most memorable outdoor activities of spring by seeing the newborns at the zoo.
Now is a great time to learn Disc Golf
Disc Golf, also known as Frisbee Golf, is a fun game that’s caught on in recent years. You can see these golf holes located at local parks. If you don’t have anyone else to play with, this is a great way to pass an afternoon. Of course, if you have at least one other person to play frisbee with, you can enjoy doing this outside. It’s a lot of fun to toss the frisbee back and forth to see how far it will go or how many catches can be made without it falling to the ground.
Spring is the right time to fly a kite
Spring isn’t only a time when the rain arrives, but it’s also a windy season in many areas. That makes it a great time of year to fly a kite. This is an activity you can teach to your kids or grandkids and show them how much fun it can be to put a kite up in the air. If you’re looking for one of the best outdoor activities of spring, flying a kite is certainly something fun to do.
Do you have some favorite outdoor activities for spring? It’s almost time to get out there and enjoy them.